Featured Course: Mary Magdalene and the Path of the Holy Bride

Mary Magdalene and the Path of the Holy Bride

(it’s not what you think!)

Online course, at your own pace.

13 Lessons including “Putting on the Red” final ritual

Created and facilitated by Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS

Mary Magdalene and the Path of the Holy Bride provides an opportunity to discover, learn and embody the path completed by Mary Magdalene in becoming the Holy Bride.** The Holy Bride is the fulfillment of the journey of merging with and embodying the Divine – both for our own sake and in service to the betterment of the world.

Explored through the lens of the Divine Feminine and gathering from traditional and gnostic scripture in partnership with the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, you will learn the path that Mary Magdalene followed in becoming the Holy Bride. Like Mary, you will discover the deepest secrets hidden within these sacred texts of becoming The Holy Bride and you will be given the resources, tools and support to need to grow in that journey of becoming.

Course Outline:

Week One: Introduction to the Course

Week Two: Mother of the Living

Week Three: The Sophian Mysteries

Week Four: Immaculately Conceived

Week Five: Logos

Week Six: Full of Grace

Week Seven: The Fierce Mother

Week Eight: The Holy of Holies

Week Nine: The Bridal Chamber

Week Ten: The Dark Mother

Week Eleven: The Shekinah

Week Twelve: The Holy Bride

Week Thirteen: Putting on the Red

**Contrary to popular belief, the Holy Bride has nothing do with the human construct of marriage or sexual union.