
The Order of the Magdalene is an intentional secular community of women and men committed to contemplative living. We come together from a variety of traditions and walks of life with one common mission: to be in service to Love through the fostering of our own inner development and to support the betterment of the world through our own unique gifts.

Some important definitions for understanding our work and discovering if you might feel called to join us:

Mary, called Magdalene, was a devoted companion of Jesus and was given the title of Magdalene (meaning tower, or beacon of faith) in honor of her understanding and dedication to the cause of Love.

Love: Here we speak of Love as the Source of all that is and our own original nature. The purpose of the human journey is to remember this Love by healing all that separates us from remembering Love. The purpose of the Order of the Magdalene is to support that remembering.

Contemplative Living is grounded in meditation, contemplation, and prayer. Out of this sacred ground we grow in knowledge of Love and knowledge of ourselves. As we come to know ourselves, we grow in knowledge of our unique gifts and how we are called to live those out for the sake of our own fulfillment and in service to the world.

Secular: We are a spiritual community that is made up of people of a wide variety of beliefs. While inspired by the life of Jesus (as experienced by Mary Magdalene), we do not ascribe to a specific doctrine or set of religious beliefs. We honor the Truth that is present within all sacred and secular texts when viewed through the lens of discernment through Love.

The key characteristics of our community, our gatherings, and our formation:

  • Committed to the purpose of Love.
  • Guided by the examples of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
  • Grounded in contemplative practice.
  • Informed by sacred and secular texts.
  • Supporting human development.
  • Rooted in scholarship.
  • Serving the world.

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