Beloved Partnership LIVE Course

Live/online course

created and facilitated by

Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS

Twelve Live Sessions 

Mondays via ZOOM

January 17, 2022 – April 4, 2022

6:30 – 8:30 pm central time 

(Content portion will be recorded for later viewing  by those who are unable to attend live gathering.) 

Beloved Partnership is a term that has been alternatively associated with concepts such as soulmate or twin flame.  Beloved Partnership is neither of these.  Beloved Partnership has nothing to do with the human pursuit of external love. 

Instead, the longing for Beloved Partnership and its resulting pursuit can only be satisfied from within.

The journey of Beloved Partnership has been portrayed throughout history in legend, myth, and fairytale.  The story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is one such tale – one that institutional religion would like to ignore, and which popular culture has turned into a romance. Whether Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth enjoyed a romantic partnership is immaterial to the Beloved Partnership that they both embodied within themselves. 

This course explores Beloved Partnership as the process of human self-realization reflected in the embodiment of the Beloved within as it was achieved through both Mary, called Magdalene, and Jesus, called Christ.   

Beloved Partnership is nothing short of the embodiment of that which some might call God.

Week One:              Lovers Meet                      

Week Two:             Courtship/Infatuation

Week Three:          Consummation

Week Four:            Marriage

Week Five:             Dark Night of the Soul

Week Six:               Abandonment

Week Seven:          Solitude

Week Eight:           Incomplete Union

Week Nine:            Self-Loathing

Week Ten:              Breakthrough

Week Eleven:        Living as the Beloved

Week Twelve:        Alchemical Fulfillment

Week Thirteen:    Holy Matrimony

Each session will include:

  • An opening meditation, song or prayer.
  • A scripture reading reflective of the week’s theme.
  • A live lesson given by Lauri Ann Lumby spiritual director of the Order of the Magdalene.
  • A spiritual practice that will be completed inside or outside of class.
  • Moderated discussion and sharing                                  

Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS

is a Priestess of the Magdalene and the founder of both the Order of the Magdalene and the Temple of the Magdalene.  Lauri has been a dedicated student of the Magdalene since first experiencing her portrayal in the rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar in 1978.  Lauri has since studied every scholarly work that has been made available on the Magdalene, and many works of fiction.  Lauri has come to believe that Mary Magdalene was indeed Jesus’ closest disciple, possibly his wife, and that it was Mary who was ordained to continue Jesus’ mission of transforming the world from fear into love.  Rejected by the patriarchy, the Magdalene influence has flourished in the mystical traditions of Christianity, though few would acknowledge this. The Magdalene has been a profound influence in Lauri’s own mission and has been the inspiration for Lauri’s writings, books, teachings and online courses all available through Authentic Freedom Academy.

Lauri Ann Lumby has her BBA in Marketing, a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and has certificates in Pastoral Ministry and Spiritual Direction.  She is a Reiki Master in both the Usui and Karuna traditions and is an ordained interfaith minister.

Learn more at  

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