Featured Course: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

This course is an in-depth study of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, with translation and commentary by Jean-Yves LeLoup. Each session will have required reading, lecture, meditation or creativity exercises and discussion. Course concludes with your own self-facilitated dedication ceremony. This course is fully online and done at your own pace in your own time.

Facilitated by Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS

Priestess of the Magdalene and High Priestess in the Order of Melchizedek

The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) is a third century text that lay hidden in the desert of Egypt until the appointed time in the late nineteenth century when it was re-discovered and then brought to the light after coming into the hands of biblical scholars. The content of the text is thought to have been either penned by Mary herself, or by those who had been her followers in the years after Jesus’ resurrection.

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene portrays Mary in her original and authentic role as the bearer of Jesus’ secret teachings and as Apostle to the Apostles – the one sent by Jesus to continue his mission of teaching, healing, and service. Here, Mary is portrayed as teacher and as priest – the receiver, interpreter, and discriminator of Jesus’ post-resurrection teachings.

We also discover in the Gospel of Mary, the original conflict that separated the mystical teachings of Jesus from the patriarchal privilege that led to the formation of the institutional church and the rejection of women as priest.

The Gospel of Mary is a critically important text in the exploration of women’s roles in matters of spirituality and religion, but more importantly as recipients and communicators of the Divine.

Required text: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Jean-Yves LeLoup (Inner Traditions, 2002).

Course Outline

Session One: The Initial Separation

Session Two: Non-Duality and the Magdalene

Session Three: The Gnostic Path

Session Four: Guarding Against Attachments

Session Five: Mary the Encourager

Session Six: Mary the Intermediary

Session Seven: Kabbalah/Journey of the Soul

Session Eight: The Adversary

Session Nine: Authentic Freedom and the Gospel of Mary

Session Ten: The Bride

Session Eleven: Anthropos

After Completing the Course: Magdalene Dedication

Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS is a Priestess of the Magdalene and the founder of both the Order of the Magdalene and the Temple of the Magdalene. Lauri has been a dedicated student of the Magdalene since first experiencing her portrayal in the rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar in 1978. Lauri has since studied every scholarly work that has been made available on the Magdalene, and many works of fiction. Lauri has come to believe that Mary Magdalene was indeed Jesus’ closest disciple, possibly his wife, and that it was Mary who was ordained to continue Jesus’ mission of transforming the world from fear into love. Rejected by the patriarchy, the Magdalene influence has flourished in the mystical traditions of Christianity, though few would acknowledge this. The Magdalene has been a profound influence in Lauri’s own mission and has been the inspiration for Lauri’s writings, books, teachings and online courses all available through Authentic Freedom Academy.

Lauri Ann Lumby has her BBA in Marketing, a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and has certificates in Pastoral Ministry and Spiritual Direction. She is a Reiki Master in both the Usui and Karuna traditions and is an ordained interfaith minister.

Learn more about Lauri at www.lauriannlumby.com.

Featured Course: Resurrecting the Magdalene

Mary, called Magdalene achieved the goal of the human experience—to become both fully human and fully divine.  In doing so, Mary embodied the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in  perfect harmony and it was through this integration that she was able to grasp Jesus’ original teachings of compassion and love and bring them forward into the world. 

2000 years ago, the world was not ready for her teachings, but today we are.  Join us as we explore the deeper and hidden truths about Mary Magdalene revealed during her time with Jesus:  her roles as student, initiate, co-equal partner, wife, facilitator and witness to the resurrection, and the one sent to continue Jesus’ mission of  being love in the world.

This Course includes the Magdalene Activation and concludes with the Magdalene ordination through which you are empowered, through your own unique gifts and passions to fulfill the mission of LOVE in the world. 

Created and facilitated by Lauri Ann Lumby. 


This course consists of 7 modules with several activities within each lesson.  With these activities, 2000 years of untruths will be exposed so that the truth can be revealed.  Activities will include meditation, reflection and writing exercises.  You will need yourself, a notebook or journal, writing utensil and access to an online music source.  Several music meditations are included in the course.  

Learn more and register by clicking the icon above.

Course Outline 

Lesson One:  Fully Awakened

Activity One: What we’ve been led to believe

Music and reflective reading meditations

Activity Two: Lesson – What the stories really say

Activity Three: Magdalene Activation

Your own direct encounter with the Magdalene

Lesson One Wrap up and Integration

Lesson Two:  Adoration

Activity One: Being vs. Doing

Reflective Reading meditation

Activity Two: Lesson – Being vs. Doing, Bhakti yoga

Activity Three: Practice of Adoration

Adoration meditation and/or Kirtan

Lesson Two Wrap up and Integration

Lesson Three: Priestess

Activity One: Immersing ourselves in Mary’s story

Immersion Meditation

Activity Two: Lesson – Mary Magdalene as Priestess

Activity Three: Make your own oil of anointing

Lesson Three Wrap up and Integration

Lesson Four: Devoted Witness/ Wife?

Activity One: Immersion Meditation

In the Garden of Gethsemane with Mary

Activity Two: Reflective Reading Meditation

Mary never left his side.

Activity Three: Lesson – Mary Magdalene as Devoted Witness

Activity Four: Immersion Meditation

Mary at Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, death and burial.

Lesson Four Wrap up and Integration

Lesson Five: Apostle to the Apostles          

Activity One: Critical reading and reflection

Activity Two: Lesson – Mary Magdalene as Apostle to the Apostles

Activity Three: Immersion Meditation

Being Mary at the Tomb

Lesson Five Wrap up and Integration

Session Six: Order of the Magdalene

Introduction and preparation for your Magdalene ordination

Activity One: Gathering the Legends of the Magdalene

Music meditation

Activity Two: The Gospel of Mary, Introduction

Activity Three: The Gospel of Mary text and meditation

Activity Four: Discerning and Accepting the Call of the Magdalene

Activity Five: Writing your Vows

Activity Six: Ordination Ceremony

Course Wrap up and Final Words

NOTE:  This course is the first and foundational course in the Magdalene Priestess Training.  Enjoy a free sample of this course, along with the other courses in the Magdalene Priestess training through the FREE Magdalene Priestess Training Preview course.  Click on image below to learn more and to register: 

Transformation vs. Modification

toward enduring recovery

Psycho/spiritual transformation: the process by which one identifies, heals, and is freed of the wounds, false-perceptions, traumas, and societal conditioning that prevent them from living a joyful and contented life.

Behavioral Modification: using effort to change one’s behavior, thoughts, or beliefs. Behavioral modification might include: therapeutic treatment, addiction and recovery programs, affirmations, and positive self-talk.

Photo by Adonyi Gu00e1bor on Pexels.com

Whereas there is a value to and an appropriate time for employing behavioral modification for the eradication of non-loving behaviors towards oneself and others, unless these programs employ additional techniques for healing and eliminating the wounds that created these behaviors in the first place, recovery will always prove effortful.

Transformational practices, on the other hand, get at the core of our non-loving behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs by providing effective tools for identifying, healing, and transforming these wounds. Transformation creates the environment in which non-loving behaviors prove no longer necessary. With attention and over time, it is found that refraining from these non-loving behaviors no longer requires effort because through transformational practices, we have literally been changed from the inside out.

The transformational approach understands non-loving behaviors (what some might call sin) to be symptoms of something deeper out of alignment with our original nature. When we approach non-loving behaviors as symptoms rather judging them as wrong, sinful, or as a character flaw, our recovery hastens because we are no longer suffering the judgment (from self or others) that would otherwise impede our healing.  Like “gold that is tested in fire,” transformational work burns away that which is preventing us from being our most magnificent self – shining with joy, and content in the life we’ve created for ourselves.

Lauri Ann Lumby provides transformational support using her trademarked Authentic Freedom™ protocol through one-on-one mentoring, Reiki, and her Magdalene Priesthood and Order of Melchizedek training programs.